A decedat Odysseas Elytis, poet grec, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru literatura pe anul 1979

Odysseas Elytis s-a nascut pe 2 noiembrie 1911 si a decedat pe 18 martie 1996. A fost un poet grec, exponent al modernismului romantic. In 1979 a primit Premiul Nobel pentru Literatura. Poeme: Orientations, Sun The First Together With Variations on A Sunbeam, An Heroic And Funeral Chant For The Lieutenant Lost In Albania, To Axion Esti—It Is Worthy, Six Plus One Remorses For The Sky, The Light Tree And The Fourteenth Beauty, The Sovereign Sun, The Trills Of Love, The Monogram, Signalbook, Maria Nefeli, The Little Mariner, Canyon Press etc. Proza si esee: The True Face and Lyrical Bravery of Andreas Kalvos, The Painter Theophilos, Reference to Andreas Empeirikos, Private Way, The Garden with the Illusions etc.


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